Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh NO They Di-int

The Detroit News is now Dead To Me. They officially endorse McCain.

"The Republican presidential candidate has the character, pragmatism and independence necessary to lead a united America...."

And yet-- "We readily acknowledge that McCain has run a distressingly ineffective presidential campaign."

Oh, and this-- "Palin is a promising governor and has excited the Republican base, but she is clearly not prepared for the role she was chosen to play and is costing McCain support...."

But, yup, still endorsing McCain. Wow, just WOW. Even The Salt Lake Tribune, a newspaper in the heart of the most conservative state in the nation, is endorsing Obama.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe that the News is that warped...wait a minute their the media. Ha

Susie Q said...

That is the most disgusting thing I've heard all week. I'm telling you McCain has some weird voodoo Dr. throwing crazy powder around because I CANNOT understand why ANYONE in their right mind would support McCAin.