"Strawberry Shortcake was having an identity crisis. The “it” doll and cartoon star of the 1980s was just not connecting with modern girls. Too candy-obsessed. Too ditzy. Too fond of wearing bloomers. So her owner, American Greetings Properties, worked for a year on what it calls a “fruit-forward” makeover. Strawberry Shortcake, part of a line of scented dolls, now prefers fresh fruit to gumdrops, appears to wear just a dab of lipstick (but no rouge), and spends her time chatting on a cellphone instead of brushing her calico cat, Custard. Her new look was unveiled Tuesday, along with plans for a new line of toys from Hasbro.”--By BROOKS BARNES, Published: June 11, 2008
I feel a little violated, my childhood has been pillaged for profit. "Updating" characters is the newest strategy for toy companies because certain recent characters have not been selling. Could it be that even children are tired of this constant commercialism of our culture. TV as babysitter, teacher and even parent? Does anybody else see what is wrong with this picture?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude. I just think that childhood should be full of innocent imagination and creative thinking. Running around OUTSIDE and learning things like ovens=hot pain, and mud=way fun.
Now, if you will excuse me, I feel the need to unpack all of my Strawberry Shortcake dolls and breathe deeply of their sugary sweetness. And Rose Petal Place. Man--they better not mess with my Rose Petal Place.
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