Monday, June 1, 2009


When I was in high school, I just couldn't wait to get out of that small town I grew up in. I used to have this joke that once I left, I'd either come back a famous scientist, or I'd come back and live in a trailer on my parents back forty.

One extreme or the other, no such thing as a happy medium existed for me. I was going to be a total sucess, or I was going to be a total failure. No grand plan or anything, just Succed or Fail.

And this past week it hit me; My life is Average. And I just couldn't bear it. To be Ordinary. Ugh. How did I let myself come to this.

I haven't had much to say lately, because I've had a problem communicating to myself.

Time and space does a lot of good for a lot of things. So, please don't take offense if I ask it of you.

"Pin a smile on my face." "Build a fortress 'round my heart."

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