Please, it has taken much courage for me to admit this problem to myself. And I hope others may take heart in my story-you are not alone.
And it's not that I just hit that happy little button once or twice in the mornings. It's that I hit that happy little button for nearly Two Hours every single day. I tried to set my alarm clock ahead of all the other clocks in my house. But that didn't work for long. I tried to change the time randomly, say 3 minutes fast one day and then 5 days later 7 minutes fast. What I learned from that little experiment is my ability to preform complex algebraic equations is conversely related to my level of consciousness.
I think I may have hit rock bottom when I accidentally hit the "off" button instead of snooze, and I actually RESET my alarm to ring after 9 minutes, and thus resumed my snooze schedule.
I need help.
Perhaps this would work for me. Then again, is it worth risking life and limb just to try to beat rush hour traffic? Because I also know that my level of coordination is directly related to my level of alertness.
And my room is messy, meaning that devil of an alarm clock would have countless places to hide. And I would start the morning pissed off, which is why I changed alarm clocks in the first place.
Hmmm, could the fact that I enjoy the snooze have anything to do with "sound" of the snooze? Quite possibly the sound of the babbling brook is lulling me back to sleep. Oh, you devious, devious machine.
Nature sounds alarm clock, I wish I could quit you!