Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bitter Cold To Linger...So Will My Bitter Attitude

I read this story this morning, and I just wanted to cry. And I would cry too, if I thought the tears might not freeze on my rosy little cheeks.

I just got our heating bill in the mail yesterday, and my reaction was to turn down the heat. But then I got so cold, I had to turn it up a little just so I could get some sleep. It's really hard to sleep when your body is shaking with the shivers. I tried to tent the covers and sleep in a little cave, but I felt like I was suffocating from the weight of the covers (that may be because I normally sleep with TWO down comforters. And an afghan. And two kitties. That's how cold my room is on a "normal" basis!).

One idea I've had, is to impose on the Dreamboat as much as possible. He'd rather I stay at his place anyway. And seriously, when your ass is freezing and you're trying to cut costs everywhere possible, what's a little loosening of the morals anyway? I'll just turn MY heat down on my way out the door.

Hey--it's every kitty for themselves!

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