Monday, December 1, 2008

Farm Livin' is the Life For Me

The trip up North was great. Getting there was the hard part.

First off, I left many hours later than I wanted to. When I did finally get on the road, I pulled up to a gas station and realized I had left my debit card in my name tag. At the store. Which is something I NEVER do, because I KNOW that I would forget it there. Well, I did and I did.

So I had to drive to the store (I'll admit it, I dawdled), and finally got on the road.

The drive was uneventful, which is always a good thing. And I finally made it to the farm. And for the next 36 hours I didn't have to leave the house.

My mom made this really amazing dinner. So much food.

Exhibit A: turkey coma victim #1, Rufus
Exhibit B: turkey coma victim #2, Sophie

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