Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Timing, It Is Everything

I had a book group meeting last night (we read "The Soloist," and it was a very good discussion), and one of the members announced to the group she would be retiring in two weeks from one of The Big Three. Her retirement is secure, and she was offered a great package. She was ecstatic, as we all were for her.

Later on, another member announced that he would be declaring bankruptcy. He is starting a new career as an author, and has just recently learned his first book will be published. He has wanted to be an author for a very long time, but circumstances didn't allow him the time to research and write, which makes his first book a little bittersweet. The group and I wish him all the luck in the world. If anyone deserves a break, it's this guy.

I don't know how it all relates, I just know that somehow it does. And I've had the phrase "civic duty" stuck in my brain since a few days before the election.

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